Sunday, 7 June 2015

My Favourite Jokes

Hello everyone I am going to show you my favourite jokes on this site called Movenote. I really hope you enjoy the jokes.
(The jokes are on the link below)

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Chinese Goosebery becomes kiwi fruit

15 June 1959

Did you know that kiwi fruit is not native to New Zealand, They were brought over by Mary Isabel Frazer. She had been visiting schools in China. They were planted in China by a man called Allexzander Allison. The Chinese people thought it had a Gooseberry taste to it and that is why they called it the Chinese Gooseberry. Even though it was not related to Grossulariaceae a family of were Gooseberry belong.

                                      Gooseberry                    Kiwi Fruit