This story begins when Max Thompson, a twelve-year-old boy, is combing his hair for his birthday party. Unfortunately, his younger brother, Noah (called Lefty, for he is left-handed), always teases him around.
Max's best friend, Zack, shows up armed with a weird haircut and a lousy present (some used X-Force comics). Also at the party are two girls: Erin, whose voice sounds like a mouse, and April, a shy girl. Max excitedly tells his guests that they are "barbecuing"-up some hot dogs. Max tries to get everyone to watch "the Terminator movie" he rented.
The party dies down and only April and Erin are left. The four children decide to explore a dusty old attic. Max's dog, Whitey, discovers a hidden room in the attic. The room is empty, except for a large antique mirror that takes up almost the entire wall. A slender light rests on top of the mirror and when Max pulls the light's chain, the light comes on but he disappears.
After turning the light off, Max reappears. Max does not believe he really turned invisible, even though the other children insisted that he did. Erin and April's ride arrives and Max tries to put the whole ordeal behind him. Yet that night, he has trouble sleeping and sneaks up to the attic to investigate. Max slowly takes an inventory of the mirror's construction, when he spies an ominous figure behind him. He turns to discover it is only Lefty.
Lefty whines, until Max agrees that he can go invisible only if they both go invisible at the same time. They both go invisible for a couple minutes, start to feel weak, and then pull the switch again. This time, however, it takes longer to reappear. Max figures that it must have something to do with how they were invisible longer than Max was the first time.
The two brothers decide the best way to use this amazing new power of invisibility is to scare Zack, who was not there for the prior mirror fest. And eventually, they get him over to the house and they do scare him.Then they invisible him. Then April and Erin show up. Erin also wants to get invisible, but April remains hesitant and instead times everyone's excursions into invisibility. The children will all attempt to stay invisible the longest. Before Lefty can take his turn though, his grandparents arrive for dinner and the other children have to leave. But they agree to meet again later in the week to settle the contest.
While at dinner, Max sees a spoon rises in the air. Max wrestles with the invisible Lefty and drags him upstairs to the attic. Lefty brags as he comes back into sight, that he stayed invisible for over ten minutes, so now he holds the record. Lefty promises not to use the mirror again.
That night, Max stays up late because of the weekend and hopes that his parents will let him stay up and watch Saturday night Live. Erin calls and tries to convince Max that if they brought the mirror to school for the science fair, they would be sure to get first prize and appear in People. Max tells her that it is a bad idea, because the wrong people could find out about the mirror, like the military.
Max sneaks off to the attic. He sits against the wall opposite the mirror and stares at his reflection. As he starts to doze off, he is startled to hear a voice in the mirror, asking him to change his ways. Max runs down to his bedroom and hides underneath the sheets, until morning.
When Max awakens, he soon discovers that Lefty is invisible again. But this time, he is using invisibility to float a shirt in Max's room. Max makes his brother go upstairs and change. When he comes back down, Max and his mother notice he is acting a little strange and there is something not quite right about him.
Max tells Lefty that he has decided getting invisible is too dangerous and calls his friends to cancel the invisibility championship. However, when the day of the championship arrives, Zack and the two girls show up at Max's house anyways. It turns out Lefty, who is currently hanging out at the park with his friends, called them up and uncancelled the championship. Max decides that as long as they are all there, they might as well go up to the attic.
April finally gets to disappear, but since Max's dog accidentally gets invisible with her, he brings her back early. She is upset, but is again relegated to taking the time for the others. Erin goes next and for the first twelve minutes or so she is up to her regular hovering objects shenanigans. However, for several minutes they can't get her to respond to their questions. Eventually they spy a floating Coke can and Max brings her back by turning on the light. After she comes back into focus, she claims she just got thirsty and went downstairs and that is why she didn't reply. However, Max notices something odd about her appearance too.
Zack decides he is going to smother the record and does not want to be pulled back into reality, until after fifteen minutes have passed. He then takes off outside and pulls a hilarious prank on an older neighbor. He picks up tomatoes and he makes them hover in the air. Once his friends stop laughing at his riotous object floating, they notice that he too does not reply to their calls. Against Erin's objections, Max races upstairs and turns the light off.
Zack reappears and Max can't help but notice that his haircut has now been reversed. Max tries to say something, but Erin and Zack push him under the light of the mirror and turn it on. He decides to not go anywhere and simply wait out his turn. As the time presses on, he begins to feel weaker and a white haze begins to envelop him. No matter how hard he cries, they will not pull the switch.
Now fully surrounded by white light, he sees an object floating towards him: his living reflection! The Reflection Max tells Actual Max that the reflections have already taken over Erin and Zack and now it is Max's turn. Max does not think living for eternity in a mirror sounds so hot, so he escapes. Somehow he manages to outrun his reflection and appears in the flesh, once Erin and Zack pull the cord. They ask him if he has made the switch and he says nothing. Then the Reflection Max gets seen in the mirror and tells them that Actual Max got away.
Erin tells Reflection Max no problem and Zack pulls the cord again. Actual Max tries running out of the attic, but Erin and Zack block his way. He yells to April to go get help, but she gets blocked by Erin and Zack. Just when all hope is lost, Lefty appears in the attic, sees the reflection of the invisible Max in the mirror, and tosses him the ball. The ball shatters the mirror, sucking Max's reflection into the shards. Lefty holds onto the door frame while Erin and Zack also get sucked into the mirror and then spit back out again.
Max and Lefty reflect on the end of their adventure while tossing around a ball in the backyard. It is then that Max discovers that Lefty is throwing right-handedWelcome to dead house
When the family takes their first trip to Dark Falls to meet with the real estate agent, Compton Dawes, and view their new home, only the two children and their dog, Petey, immediately sense that something is not quite right. Despite the fact that it is the middle of July, the entire neighborhood seems covered in an artificial darkness created by massive, overhanging tree limbs. Dead brown leaves, shade, and shadows are everywhere. Then there is the house itself, which obviously was not constructed any time in the recent past. It is an enormous, dark, antique structure with two big bay windows on the second floor that look eerily like a pair of observing eyes. While Josh proceeds to impatiently whine in protest over the latest tragic development in his life, Amanda watches with amazement as a boy appears suddenly in the doorway of her new bedroom and disappears suddenly.
Amanda feels much better after seeing her bedroom. She goes outside to tell Josh about it, but he is gone. She finds him a little while later in the cemetery... being chased by someone. Amanda keeps seeing other children in her home and hearing strange sounds. Also, the friends she makes all seem a little different. It is later revealed that the children are all dead, having been murdered when they lived in that house. Once a year, they must have the blood from a freshly killed person to sustain their "living dead" existence for another year.
One of the undead children, Ray, attacks Amanda in the cemetery, while her brother, Josh, is still looking for the dog. Josh saves her at the last moment, when he shines his light on Ray’s face. This results in Ray disintegrating and becoming a pile of bones. Amanda and Josh run home but when they arrive, they are attacked by the dead children who explain that there is no dead great uncle and that the letter sent to their parents was a trick to bring the Benson family to Dark Falls. “This is the dead house...Once a year, you see, we need new blood," the dead children say, as they move forward to kill Amanda and Josh. Suddenly Mr. Dawes, the real estate agent, appears at the door and the dead children vanish. He tells them that he has already saved their parents from the dead people and that he will take them to join their parents. A gravestone however, reveals Mr. Dawes is also dead, and everyone died when something escaped from a plastics factory. Amanda and Josh manage to escape Mr. Dawes after Josh hits him on the head with his flashlight. It turns out the dead children are zombies that crumble under light, and they knock down a tree to kill all of the living dead. Their parents saw everything.
As the family is leaving the dead house, they meet on the driveway a new family coming to move to the house. Only someone too familiar is there, and Amanda is sure it's Mr. Dawes.
Dr. Maniac Vs Robby Schwartz
Techno geek and creator of a popular webcomic, Robby Schwartz Discovers that his creation, a villain called Dr. Maniac, has somehow come to life and is stalking him and his family. At the end Robby defeats Dr. Maniac and saves his family, but then he gets a strange invite to a place called Horrorland and while in a section called Werewolf Forest he meets two girls named Britney and Molly who he follows to Panic Park. However, the three of them soon run into an old wooden enemy- Slappy!
Help! We Have Strange Powers!
Jackson Gerard and Jillian Gerard get strange powers from an odd fortune telling machine.It seems fun at first, but now an evilman Inspector Cranium wants that power and will do anything to get it. He is head of The Institute, which hunts down anyone with powers. These two children, Arnie and Nina invited them to their birthday party. When the party is over, Artie and Nina, want to show them something. But Inspector Cranium shows up. Jillian and Jackson think he is looking for them, but he is actually looking for Artie and Nina. The children explain that they have powers too and that they pretend to be gross so they will not be found. Inspector Cranium tries to capture them, but Jillian and her brother will not allow that. The children all use their powers and Inspector Cranium is turned into a baby. The next day, Jillian and Jackson go to Artie's and Nina's, but the place is empty. The twins figure the twins have to keep moving.
Say Cheese And Die
While wondering what to do on a boring summer day, four friends, Greg, Michael, Doug (nicknamed Bird) and Shari decide to investigate the Coffman House, an old, abandoned house that several spooky stories revolve around and is the home of a strange, old man nicknamed "Spidey", because of his spider-like appearance. While searching the home, Greg discovers a strange camera within a hidden compartment in a basement wall. Amused at the idea of having a camera, Greg takes a picture of his friend Michael who is leaning on the stair railing. Suddenly, the railing gives way and Michael falls. Michael is found to have hurt his ankle upon landing. Greg discovers that the picture does not show Michael standing by the railing, but instead falling. While the friends cannot come up with an explanation for the strange photograph, all discussion ceases when footsteps are heard and the four friends flee the house taking the camera with them.
As time goes on Greg takes a picture of his father's new car, but the picture depicts the car totally wrecked. Later, Greg takes a picture of his brother, Terry, who is in his bedroom on his computer. But the picture shows him elsewhere, in a worried state, and in front of a house.
The next day, Greg goes to his friend Bird's baseball game; a picture of Bird is taken and the picture depicts him lying on the ground with his neck bent in an unnatural angle. Bird dismisses this idea and even fakes the picture's scene coming true, in an attempt to show Greg and Shari that the camera is simply broken. However, while playing the game he is hit by an oncoming baseball. In fact, he lands in such a way that his neck is bent into the unnatural angle. Now, Greg is convinced that the camera is somehow responsible, but his friends
are still unwilling to believe these ideas. It is at this point that Terry's picture comes true, as he comes up and claims that their father was in an accident and the car is totally wrecked.
Greg then has a nightmare of taking a picture of his family during a backyard barbecue, but is horrified to see them as skeletons Shari, still skeptical of the camera's powers, has Greg bring the camera to her birthday party and insists that he takes her picture. Greg reluctantly agrees but finds that when the picture develops, only the background has come out and Shari is nowhere to be seen. Not long afterwards, Shari disappears.
In the days that follow, Greg's picture is taken and he sees that he and Shari are panicked by a shadow that comes over them. Greg is worried, yet hopeful, when he sees this picture. Because at this point, Shari is still missing but the picture clearly shows Shari.
Shari remains missing for days, until Greg tears up the picture. Shari then returns as suddenly and mysteriously as she disappeared. She apparently has no memory of where she went.
While talking to Greg about her disappearance, the picture of the two being panicked by a shadow over them comes true when Spidey appears before them. He chases them for a while, until a neighbor threatens to call the police on him. They finally are safe.
Finally, deciding that the camera is too dangerous to be kept, Greg and Shari decide to return it to its hiding place in Spidey's home- Bird and Michael will have nothing more to do with it. However, Spidey catches the children on their way out and reveals the camera’s origin: Spidey turns out to be a mad scientist, named Dr. Fritz Fredericks, and his lab partner had created the camera. However, Spidey, being greedy, decided to steal the camera and market it as his own invention. But his partner was evil- not only a scientist, but a master of the dark arts, and he decided that if he could not profit from the camera, no-one would. He put a curse on the camera making it show bleak future events which would then occur and it was impossible to break, meaning that the camera would survive till the end of the world. Spidey says that the camera caused the deaths of people he loved. Spidey had spent most of his life trying to keep he camera from being discovered and had sacrificed all he held dear to do so, but now that Shari and Greg know of it, he is afraid that they will blab, and so resolves to keep them imprisoned in his home forever. However, during a struggle with Greg and Shari, his picture is (accidentally) taken with the camera and he dies of fright. The picture depicts this very event occurring. With the camera returned to its hiding place, Shari and Greg escape the building, send the police an anonymous tip about Spider's body in the house, and believe it to be over.
At the end of the story two bullies, Joey Ferris and Mickey Ward, who had previously shown interest in the camera, are shown to have found the camera and taken a picture with it. The story ends with the boys waiting to see what their photograph shows.
Welcome to Camp Slither
Two animal loving siblings named Boone Dixon and Heather Dixon go to different camps each summer. But this time, they have signed up to Camp Hither, where there is a legend of a living snake-monster that ate the campers. Boone and Heather start to believe the legend, but at first, when a kid, Roddy, tells Boone about the legends, he doesn't believe them, but the events happening at camp are actually really suspicious. Every morning, they spray a sticky, yellow substance they call Sun-Glo (it's actually snake D.N.A.) onto all the campers. Then the kid who told them about the legends goes missing, so Boone and Heather start to suspect something is off about Camp Hither. Then one night, they visit the counselors and on the bed there are only snakes! Then, when they ask the counselors about what they saw the next morning, the counselors say that they were on an outdoor meeting. Then one day when the kids know too much they take them inside the lab hidden in the camp. There was the kid who talked about the legends! But they turned him into a snake while looking for an antidote to snake venom and kids to test it out. Things go wrong for the counselors because they just turned the kid into a king cobra that eats other snakes. So then the main villain bites himself while trying to get away and just stays there then, the kid reverts to it's original body and they all escape.

Monster blood for breakfast
Matt Daniels and his sister, Livvy, deal with their annoying neighbour, Bradley, every morning. Matt describes Bradley as pain because Bradley eats anything he can in Matt's house, and he repeatedly ask Matt to borrow his clothes because Bradley thinks it will make him look cool like Matt. When Matt and Bradley are walking to school, Bradley shows Matt a rock, which Bradley thinks it's a rock from Venus. Matt observes it and finds a tiny type engraved in the rock, which reads "MADE IN CHINA". Bradley throws it at a stop sign, which bounces off and hits the car of a teacher. The teacher turns out to be Mr. Scotto, Matt's favourite teacher who used to be an astronaut. This becomes Matt's first strike.
When Matt's class are taking a test, Bradley starts copying Matt's test. Bradley accidental'y whispers, "Don't go too fast", too loud that everybody notices him cheating. Bradley tries to get him out of trouble by saying that Matt was showing him the answers. Both Bradley and Matt get in trouble, and since Matt was "cheating", both of them get a zero on the test. This becomes Matt's second strike.
Bradley is at Matt's home unexpectedly, and is seen on the computer with Matt's favourite shirt. Matt makes Bradley leave, but notices that the computer screen showed two bloodshot eyes with a green gooey text that said MONSTER BLOOD below it. A creepy voice then repeats "Enjoy your Monster Blood" after Matt tries to exit it. Matt tried to turn it off, but the screen showed. His sister came in and notices what's happening. She tells him to unplug the computer, even though he has.
Matt goes to Bradley's house, only to find him stuffing cupcakes in his mouth. Bradley tells Matt that he bought something that is going to make him more popular then Matt is. Matt leaves with his favourite shirt back.
Matt starts a fight with Bradley at school after Bradley lies to Mr. Scotto that Matt helped Bradley come up with his Science project, even though the science project was Matt's. This becomes Matt's third and final strike. The principal almost expels him, when Bradley lies that they were acting out a scene from a T.V. show.
After what had happened, Matt gets stopped by two men who tells him if he has something they need. They tell Matt that it is very dangerous and that he should give it back to them.
Bradley shows up at Matt's house with a plastic egg. The label on it reads MONSTER BLOOD and Matt realizes that that was the thing the two men wanted from Matt. Matt steals the egg and keeps it until he can find the two men so he can return it. He also accidentally spills some Monster Blood on his two Evy plants, which grew abnormally tall afterwards.
The next morning, Livvy tells Matt that she is tired of Bradley and that she dumped the Monster Blood into Bradley's cereal. When Matt and Bradley got to school, Bradley reveals that he switched his cereal with Matt's because he saw Livvy put something in his bowl.
Matt abnormally grows tall like his ivy plants at school. Matt also sets a world record after winning a swimming match. Matt realizes that water makes him grow larger, because when he watered his plants, it grew taller fast. Matt tries to escape unseen, or else someone would freak out and call the cops. Matt eventually arrives at his house and puts on a giant coat his dad had. It fits him well.
Matt finds the two men and asks them how to reverse the effects. It turns out that the two men were actually looking for a "Gas Attack" prank cans. Matt then goes to Bradley's house and asks him how to reverse it. Matt accidently sets off an intruder alarm in Bradley's house. Matt hears sirens, which means the cops were coming. Bradley finds the Monster Blood box and read the label. It said that the Monster Blood in the egg was actually a sample, and Matt shrinks back to normal.
Matt goes back to his house, only to find that his ivy plant grew abnormally huge and went all the way up to the ceiling.
The next day, Matt almost's wins the science fair, when Bradley appears with Matt's Ivy plant and liesto everyone that he made it grow by using laser beams. Everyone believes him, and Bradley gets the
award. Matt notices that his Ivy plant is wrapping Bradley's leg and torso, and Bradley doesn't notice what is happening. The only thing Matt does is sarcastically congratulate Bradley instead of saving Bradley from his fate.
Creep from the deep
Billy and Sheena are back, and once again visiting their marine biologist uncle, Dr. Deep. He is searching for a sunken pirate ship, the Scarlet Skull, which vanished in a black cloud back in the 1780's, along with millions of dollars worth of gold and jewels. While aboard their submarine, the Deep Diver, the trio pass through a black cloud themselves, which causes a temporary loss of power and somehow relocates Dr. D away from the submarine. After he vanishes, the sub crashes into a ship that turns out to be the Scarlet Skull and is promptly attacked by zombie pirates.
After making it back to the surface, Billy and Sheena leave the submarine and swim to a nearby island. Billy's leg is injured in leaving the sub, forcing him to use a piece of driftwood as a crutch. However, they soon find the zombie pirates and fall into a pit. They manage to escape with help from the driftwood, but are captured by the pirates and taken before their captain, Long Ben One-Leg, who has captured Dr. D and demands they return what is his.
Thinking he means the treasure, Billy and Sheena go to find it, only to run into a couple of strangers, Roger Baldry and Goldy Munroe. They claim to be photographers and help them in bringing the treasure back to the surface. However after bringing the treasure up, the two turn out to be zombies as well, the original owners of the treasure before Captain Long Ben One-Leg and his crew stole it from them. The pair explain they dove into the black cloud as well after giving chase, and have been hoping to get the treasure back ever since. They then throw Billy and Sheena overboard.
Roger then touches a red jewel in the shape of a skull on the treasure chest, only to find that it's a trap: both he and Goldie are turned to ash by it. With the two pirates gone, Billy and Sheena return to their boat, and then to the Cassandra (Dr. D's boat). However, moments later, the Scarlet Skull rises from the depths, with Captain Ben and Dr. D aboard it. Billy and Sheena try to return the treasure, only to find that Captain Ben is not after the treasure: he wants his leg, the "driftwood" Billy has been carrying around. Billy returns it, by throwing it like a spear at him, knocking the captain overboard. The Scarlet Skull falls apart without its captain.
After Dr. D climbs aboard, the trio pass through the black cloud again; which Dr. D explains had transported them into a Dead Zone, the realm of the dead. Passing through it, they return to the land of the living -- only to find the chest has disappeared, leaving only the red skull, which is now powerless. However, as Dr. D tries to reach someone on the radio, they hear the pirates over the transmission.
Hope you enjoy! I hope you do!