Thursday, 15 September 2016

Weekly Goal Self Control

P.S This is the video

This week the goal is SELF CONTROL, this means to have control of yourself when you want do something like eat a cookie when your not supposed to and you walk away from the cookie. The teachers presented us this song/video to help the goal along. 

I think that I have had a few situations of me needing some self control and I did! (Mostly) One of them is being silly with my friends and talk but I decided not to, BOOM self control!

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Chinese students pay to flush toilet

Image result for Chinese students pay to flush toilet

A college in china is trying to stop the students from flushing to much by giving students passes to flush?

The college made this rule because large amounts of water had been used from the students, plus there had been bad droughts and water was limited.

The passes give student 3000 litres of water per month. The electronic cards must be swiped to use the toilets.

I WONDER question of the week

 Image result for I wonder

Is it better to be a kid or a grown up?

I think its better to be a kid because when your a kid you don't have to worry about bill's money and things like that. I also like being a kid because I like my school and my friends.

If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would it be and why.

I would be Melanie Martines because she is my role model and being her for a day would be awesome! Plus I want to know what her life is like.... at least for a day.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Money Week

This week is money week and the teacher asked us this question. Are you a saver or a spender? If you won a million dollars what would you do with it? If you found $50 what would happen? Who is your money role model - why?

Q. Are you a saver or a spender?
A. I am a mix of both, sometimes I save my money        sometimes I don't. Most of the time I loose my money and find it later.

Q.If you won a million dollars what would you do with it? 
A. I would go to Thames, go in the warehouse buy everything that I have dreamed of getting, Get my family a new house, new furniture, a new car and give a dollar to my brother. ( I cant fit the rest of what I would do on my blog) 

Q. If you found $50 what would happen?
A. Add to my million dollar pile

Q.Who is your money role model - why?
A. It would be lady gaga if she wore a money dress ( What? she wore a meat dress)