Monday, 27 February 2017

My weekly News $100,00 found in old TV

At a recycling plant in Canada stored in an old TV was a cash box with $100,000 in cash inside. There was around 4 stacks of $50 notes and Rick Deschamps the general manager just knew that it was a lot of money, but with the money there were documents that brought police to the 68 year old owner of the TV. He told the police that the set was a gift to his friend thirty years ago which he apparently forgot about the money inside

This original artical was found at kiwi kids news.

Monday, 20 February 2017

What would happen on my best weekend ever 21/2/17

My best weekend ever would be with my family at Disneyland trying out all the rides seeing the beautiful and magical views with an ear to ear grin while eating candy floss, new foods and (my favourite) cocola. I would also scream at the top of my voice while going on the CRAZY, FAST rollercoasters tears watering in my eyes of happiness and fear. Then afterwards I would fly back home with my family, run in the house and hug my cat.

My First few weeks in Marama 21/2/17

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For my first few weeks in Marama I knew what my goal was and to follow it until the end of the year. Apart from that the first three weeks everything was a bit flexible because we had no timetables or mi plans so everything was a surprise which I did enjoy but right now it’s week four and we are using a new tool tool for our mi plans, it is a little bit confusing but I know i'll get used to it.

Improved blogpost 20/2/17

At school on wednesday the head boy (Gus) and head girl (Riley) came to school to talk to us about keeping balance and about the history of leaders around the world. They told us about four different types of people, the Priest, the Profit, the Warrior and the Merchant, Gus and Riley then asked us questions of what choices these different type of personalities would make and if we got it right we would get a chocolate fish.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

My huff n puff circuit

The circuit with have six stations, You start off at station 1 then go all the way to six. Station one will be, 30 sit ups, 2 will be 15 burpees, 3 will be monster crawl for 30 seconds, 4 will be 45 high knees, 5 will be 15 press ups and 6 will be 20 sit ups.



Sunday, 12 February 2017


Tuakana Teina

Between Tuakana and Teina I think i'm in between, why? Because Teina means that your finding out whats best for you and your learning. Tuakana mean's that you always know whats best for your learning and doesn't sit there and chat with your friends no matter how tempted. Thats why I think im in between because I do make good learning choices but sometimes I get a bit distracted.

5 Tips to grow a strong brain

Hi everyone its me and today I'm going to give you five AMAZING tips to grow your brain!

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1. Drink at least 1-3 bottles of water a day because if you don't you'll get a really bad headache and it can make you feel bad and those are the main things that stop you and your learning.

2. To give your brain a workout draw, learn an instrument, play video games e.t.c

3. Challenge yourself, why? Because if you keep doing things that are easy and you know well you will never ever learn something new.

4. If your in school or work and your stressed or bored and you find it hard to do your work so it feel's like the world is crashing down on you... don't worry because all you need to do is get your heart pumping and do a bit of exercise like a small jog or run.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

My Tiakanga

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Out of all the words in the Marama way that helps me in learning and stands out to me is positivity because you have to have growth mindset to get your work done and to keep on going! 

Monday, 6 February 2017

One word - Unique

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My motivation quote that I would use to guide me throughout the year would be unique because if you're always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.

Waitangi Day

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The Waitangi Day treaty was signed in the Bay of islands on the 6th February in 1840 by over 40 chiefs. The treaty draft was made by William Hobson in english and was translated in maori by Henry Williams and his son edward. Now every year on February the 6th people celebrate Waitangi Day.